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Melchior Domini

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Melchior Domini Empty Melchior Domini

Post  Melchior 06.07.09 15:51

Name: Melchior

Melchior Domini Melchior

Age: 23

Height: 6'1

Weight: 164

Ability: Shape-shifter

About: The village that Melchior was born into was small and out in the middle of nowhere. The village of Dunner had never seen war, and it was a peaceful place to live. The small village held a secret from the rest of the world, and that is why it is so isolated. In the village lived a clan of people able to shift their bodies into those of other animals that they had seen themselves. And Melchior was of their bloodline. His yellow eyes were the mark of it. His life was happy, carefree. A perfect life for a child. When he was seven, he shifted for the first time, into a black panther he had seen in a tree the day before. But since he was only a child, he turned into a cub. He spent the entire day running from his family and friends, playing a game of hide and seek as the small kitten. They were worried, but he had so much fun, his parents couldn't help but forgive him. As a gift for his birthday, he was given a violin, and he picked it up fast.

As he grew older, and started to wander farther from the village, the varity of animals he could shift into grew. from wolves to birds to horses, he had a form for every situation. Around the age of fifteen, he was pretty good at playing the violin, and he was the fastest runner in the village. It was a good point in his life, maybe the best. He started dating his friend Mandy, and nothing was wrong in his life. But fate has a funny way of screwing people over. When he was out hunting, he was hit over the head relatively hard, and blacked out. When he awoke, he was buried in leaves, and he coughed as he uncovered himself. Groggy, with his head spinning, he made his way back to his village. What he saw brought tears to his eyes. Instead of huts, there were just burning wrecks of wood. Instead of his family and friends, burning corpses. Instead of a lover, he was left with nothing. Nothing.

He wandered for two and a half years, before deciding to settle down in another small, out of the way village much like his own. Only there was no body like him. He was the last of his people. He was alone. He was quiet, reclusive, and never really talked to anyone. He worked and hunted to pay for his stay, and nothing more. He rarely ate or slept. But slowly, he started to relax. He started eating and sleeping more. He then came across a young girl named Ri, and he was almost blinded by her. She was radiant, pure, and saw past his hate and his fear, to see the man that hid beneath it. She pulled him from his shell, and into her arms. He was happy again. He even found a new violin, and often played for the people of his new village. But the same fate happened again. War came, and when the village would not fight, it was burnt to the ground. Melchior wanted to fight, tried, but Ri would not let him. She forced him to leave them to their fate, and once again he retreated within himself, wandering for three more long years.

He made his living my playing his violin in the taverns he came across, the owner giving him food and room for entertaining his guests. But his heart just wasn't in it. His travels took him up a mountain, and he was starting to wonder if he would find a village at all. At the top, he found not a village but a cavern, and he went inside to escape the heat. What he saw astonished him. Dragons. Real dragons. "What is that thing?" One of the dragons asked, pointing a large claw at the instrument in his hands. Without saying a word, he pulled the violin from it's case, and closed his eyes. The melody that he created was his own, and was filled with his sorrow, his pain, his fury, and his love. He put his soul into the music, and he ended up creating a beautiful, haunting melody. The dragons, inspired by his music, asked him to stay and continue playing such music for them. He agreed. Humans had shunned him for his ability, but he wondered if these creatures would do the same.

He shifted one day in front of them, into the large black panther he was fond of, and they were astounded. Raiken, the 'leader' of the small clan, was estatic. "I thought your clan to be entirely wiped out. But here you stand before us!" He was welcomed anyway. He walked outside, his heart about to burst, and he closed his eyes. Scales replaced his skin, and he grew to a large size. His eyes, instead of yellow, were silver. He had shifted into a dragon. 'I did it...' Raiken shook his head, but said nothing. The other dragons were happy to have someone new, someone with intellect, to talk with. And one who could fly with them.

But what Raiken hid from them was deadly. Melchior's clan of shape-shifters were not supposed to turn into immortals. His eyes were tainted with silver around his pupils, and his body was slowly starting to deteriorate without him knowing. Raiken, though he wanted the human to die for his stupidity, gave him an amulet that would stop the deterioration as long as he wore it, and explained to him what he had done. One of the other humans living there, a girl named Elena, tried to take his life.

Melchior left the dragons behind after that, twenty two years old now. He had nothing again but his violin and the gem on his chest that kept him alive. Those and memories. He found yet another village, and he stayed, tired of wandering. Once more a young girl tried to pull him from his shell. But he denied her. He would not get involved with another soul again. He left a few days after he met her. He became a wanderer, moving mostly by night as the sleek black panther.

Posts : 20
Join date : 2009-07-03
Age : 35
Location : SLC, Utah. Unfortunately.

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